Local Landscape Areas - Scotland
There are many areas where the scenery is highly valued locally and local authorities often give these landscapes a local designation. This is to ensure that the landscape is not damaged by inappropriate development, and in some cases encourage positive landscape management. These designations play an important role in developing an awareness of the landscape qualities that make particular areas distinctive and promote a community's sense of pride in their surroundings.
The names used for such Local Landscape Areas currently vary from one local authority to another. For example, they are termed 'Areas of Great Landscape Value' in Moray, 'Special Landscape Areas' in Dumfries and Galloway, and 'Sensitive Landscape Character Areas' in Ayrshire. Guidance published by NatureScot and Historic Environment Scotland (see below) suggests the name be standardised to Local Landscape Areas (LLA) now. LLAs complement the National Scenic Area designation, which identifies those landscapes that are seen as nationally important owing to their unsurpassed scenery.
Identification info
- Alternative title
- Metadata Language
- English
- Character set
- UTF8
- Dataset Reference Date (Revision)
- 2025-01-20
- Identifier
- www.spatialhub.scot / sh_llandd
- Maintenance and update frequency
- As needed
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
Protected sites
Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units
- Limitations on Public Access
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
No limitations on public access
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- Open Government Licence
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Topic category
- Environment
Temporal reference
Temporal extent
Temporal extent
Distribution Information
Data format
- Data format
Name Version OGC:WMC
Transfer options
- Resource Locator
Protocol Resource Locator Name WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link
https://data.spatialhub.scot/dataset/local_landscape_areas-is Local Landscape Areas - Scotland
https://www.spatialdata.gov.scot:443/geonetwork/srv/api/records/ea8906a7-ed3e-4f1c-8c79-c8ff68a2f3d2/formatters/xml EDINA Digimap Service
https://www.nature.scot/sites/default/files/2020-10/Guidance%20on%20Designating%20Local%20Landscape%20Areas.pdf Guidance on Designating Local Landscape Areas
Data quality info
- Quality Scope
- Dataset
- Statement
This dataset was amalgamated, optimised and published by the Spatial hub.
The following quality assurance checks and corrections are carried out on the data:
- Polygons are dissolved/ aggregated by key name and local authority.
- The minimum polygon area allows in the data is 25 square meters
- Checks for invalid geometry types
- The maximum angle for any spikes is 3 degrees
- Any duplicate geometry is removed from the data
- Polygons with no key names are not removed
- Checks for basic geometry i.e. self-intersection
Please contact spatialhub@improvementservice.org.uk for more details. spatialhub@improvementservice.org Please contact spatialhub@improvementservice.org.uk for more details.
- File identifier
- ea8906a7-ed3e-4f1c-8c79-c8ff68a2f3d2 XML
- Metadata Language
- English
- Resource type
- Dataset
- Metadata Date
- 2025-01-20T12:42:43.151Z
- Metadata standard name
- Metadata standard version
Point of contact
- Organisation name
The Improvement Service
- Position name
Spatial Hub Custodian
- Voice
01506 282012
- City
- Administrative area
West Lothian
- Postal code
EH54 6AX
- Country
United Kingdom
- Electronic mail address
spatialhub@improvementservice.org spatialhub@improvementservice.org.uk
- Role
- Point of contact