Civil Parishes - Scotland
Civil parishes are still used for some statistical purposes, and Census figures are published for them. As their areas have been largely unchanged this allows for comparison over an extended period of time.
Parishes have had no direct administrative function in Scotland since 1930.
Identification info
- Alternative title
- Metadata Language
- English
- Character set
- UTF8
- Dataset Reference Date (Creation)
- 1965-06-01
- Dataset Reference Date (Revision)
- 2012-05-01
- Dataset Reference Date (Publication)
- 2012-09-01
- Identifier
- CivilParish1930
- Maintenance and update frequency
- As needed
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
Statistical units
GEMET - Concepts, version 2.4
administrative boundary
IPSV Subjects List
- Limitations on Public Access
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- No limitations to public access
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- Open Government Licence
- Other constraints
The following statements must be used when reproducing or using this material: Copyright National Records of Scotland, contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right (insert year).
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Denominator
- 10000
- Topic category
- Boundaries
- Code
- S92000003
Temporal reference
Temporal extent
Temporal extent
- Code
- EPSG:4258
- Code
- EPSG:27700
Distribution Information
Data format
- Data format
Name Version WMS
ESRI Shapefile
Transfer options
- Resource Locator
Protocol Resource Locator Name OGC:WMS CivilParish
OGC:WFS NRS:CivilParish
WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link National Records of Scotland website
Data quality info
- Quality Scope
- Dataset
- Statement
Geography Branch first began plotting postcode boundaries in 1973. In addition to the creation of postcode boundaries, Geography Branch also assigned each postcode to an array of Scottish boundary datasets including civil parish boundaries.
From 1845 to 1930, civil parishes formed part of Scotland’s local government system. The parishes, which had their origins in the ecclesiastical parishes of the Church of Scotland, often overlapped the then existing county boundaries, largely because they reflected earlier territorial divisions. Parishes have had no direct administrative function in Scotland since 1930. The civil parish boundaries were re-aligned by the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1889 (c.50) and formally abolished by the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1929 (c.25).
In 1930, all parishes were grouped into elected district councils. These districts were abolished in 1975, and the new local authorities established in that year often cut across civil parish boundaries. In 1996, there was a further re-organisation of Scottish local government, and a number of civil parishes now lie in two or more council areas. There are 871 civil parishes in Scotland.
The civil parish boundary dataset is the responsibility of Geography Branch. The initial version of the boundaries was first created in the mid-1960s. The boundaries were plotted on to Ordnance Survey 1:10,000 maps using the written descriptions of the parishes.
In the late 1980s Geography Branch introduced a Geographic Information System (called “GenaMap”) to its working practices. At this point the manually-plotted civil parish boundaries were digitised using the GenaMap system.
In 2006, GenaMap was replaced by ESRI’s ArcGIS product, and the civil parish boundaries were migrated to the new system.
At this stage, the Ordnance Survey digital product MasterMap was made available as the background map for Geography Branch’s digitising requirements.
In March-April 2009 many of the coastal postcodes were edited to improve their alignment with MasterMap’s coastal detail.
After improving the coastal postcode alignment there was a requirement to check that all the individual postcode Gridlink points fell within the extent of the civil parish boundaries. It was discovered that some of the points were outside the limits of the some of the coastal parishes.
This version of the civil parish boundaries was edited (some coastal postcodes only) in May 2009 to ensure that all postcodes’ Gridlink points would fall within the limits of the civil parish boundaries.
In terms of provenance, the vast majority of the civil parish boundaries date back to the mid-1960s with their original drawing onto OS 1:10,000 maps.
For more information please visit the Geography policies and information notes page of the NRS website or contact NRS Geography Customer Services.
- File identifier
- d93dbde9-6936-4245-9938-0ef41a5cc0e4 XML
- Metadata Language
- English
- Resource type
- Dataset
- Metadata Date
- 2025-02-10T13:39:33.445Z
- Metadata standard name
- Metadata standard version
Point of contact
- Organisation name
National Records of Scotland
- Position name
Geography Branch
- Delivery point
General Register House, 2 Princes Street
- City
- Administrative area
- Postal code
- Country
United Kingdom
- Electronic mail address
- Role
- Point of contact