Land Capability for Forestry, Scotland
The main use of the Land Capability Classification for Forestry is as an aid to decision-making at broad planning levels, as a guide for land managers and as a statement of the natural resources of the land of Scotland in terms of forestry potential for educational and general interest purposes. The system is an interpretation derived from several sources and, as with all such approaches, will be subject to some degree of arbitrary decision.
Class F1. Land with excellent flexibility for the growth and management of tree crops
Class F2. Land with very good flexibility for the growth and management of tree crops
Class F3. Land with good flexibility for the growth and management of tree crops
Class F4. Land with moderate flexibility for the growth and management of tree crops
Class F5. Land with limited flexibility for the growth and management of tree crops
Class F6. Land with very limited flexibility for the growth and management of tree crops
Class F7. Land unsuitable for producing tree crops
Please cite as: Soil Survey of Scotland Staff. (1988). Land Capability for Forestry of Scotland at a Scale of 1:250 000. Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, Aberdeen.
- Alternate title
Land Capability for Forestry 1:250,000
- Alternate title
- Date ()
- 1988-01-01
- Date ()
- 2016-08-01
- Identifier
- Presentation form
- mapDigital
The James Hutton Institute
-Colin Campbell
(Chief Executive
,AB15 8QH
,United Kingdom
The James Hutton Institute
-David Donnelly
(Research Scientist
,AB15 8QH
,United Kingdom
- Maintenance and update frequency
- irregular
- Name
ESRI Shapefile
- Version
- Keywords
- GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0 ()
Land use
- Access constraints
- otherRestrictions
- Other constraints
no limitations on public access
- Use constraints
This data was produced at a scale of 1:250,000. Use is permitted under the terms of the Open Data licence included in the download.
- Use constraints
The James Hutton Institute Open Data Licence
- Use constraints
- None
- Spatial representation type
- vector
- Denominator
- 250000
- Metadata language
- eng (en)
- Topic category
- Farming
- Geographic identifier
- Reference system identifier
/OSGB 1936 / British National Grid (EPSG:27700)
- Distribution format
ESRI Shapefile
The James Hutton Institute
-David Donnelly
(Research Scientist
,AB15 8QH
,United Kingdom
- Fees
- Ordering instructions
Download from
- Turnaround
- Name
ESRI Shapefile
- Version
- OnLine resource
ESRI Shapefile Download
- OnLine resource
- Scope
- dataset
- Statement
Information on the distribution and fundamental properties of soils was collected on a national basis by the soil survey organisations based at Macaulay Institute, Aberdeen (Scotland) and at Silsoe College, Bedfordshire (England and Wales). With the addition of data on climate and characteristics of topography this information can be interpreted to provide an evaluation of the potential of land for a variety of uses. The Land Capability Classification for Agriculture (Bibby et al. 1982) is an example; the Land Capability Classification for Forestry, described here, is an attempt to provide a similar classification in terms of forestry. It is based on an assessment of the increasing degree of limitation imposed by the physical factors of soil, topography and climate on the growth of trees and on silvicultural practices. The system described is designed for use at several levels depending on the amount and accuracy of the available data and on the purpose for which the information is required. Strategic and regional planning needs can be satisfied by generalised maps at scales of 1:250 000 and 1:50 000. Sufficient information is currently available for this to be attempted in Britain, and has been done for the island of Islay (Bibby and Heslop 1986). Requirements of a more detailed nature, for example planning within the forest enterprise or by estate managers dealing with integration of agriculture and forestry, will require larger scale maps (1:25 000 and 1:10 000) and more accurate base data. The main use of the Land Capability Classification for Forestry is as an aid to decision-making at broad planning levels, as a guide for land managers and as a statement of the natural resources of the land of Britain in terms of forestry potential for educational and general interest purposes. The system is an interpretation derived from several sources and, as with all such approaches, will be subject to some degree of arbitrary decision. A careful study of the assumptions and explanations underlying the classification is advised so that the scheme is properly understood and its benefits and limitations appreciated.
- Metadata language
- eng (en)
- Resource Type
- dataset
- Date stamp
- 2022-03-23
- Metadata standard name
- Metadata standard version
The James Hutton Institute
-David Donnelly
(Research Scientist
,AB15 8QH
,United Kingdom