Riparian Woodland Scotland
Riparian woodland in Scotland identified using a combination of existing open datasets. Search area is 20m either side of water courses. Includes coniferous and broadleaved woodland, native and non-native.
Woodland datasets include Native Woodland Survey of Scotland, Smallwoods dataset from Forest Research, National Forest Inventory. Additional areas are included where these had been highlighted using height data and manually checked in aerial imagery. Minimum patch size is 2000m2.
Search area is 20m either side of water courses. Underlying water courses are combination of OS open rivers, Vector Map District, SEPA open rivers, Open Street Map water courses. All are line datasets apart from Vector Map District which is a polygon dataset. Therefore the width of wider rivers has been taken into account.
Identification info
- Metadata Language
- English
- Character set
- UTF8
- Dataset Reference Date (Creation)
- 2023-03-14
- Identifier
- ac10398e-a9ec-427f-bd9f-116582e95c0d_resource
- Presentation form
- Digital map
- Purpose
Riparian woodland in Scotland mapped using a combination of existing datasets. Search area is 20m either side of water courses. Includes coniferous and broadleaved woodland, native and non-native.
- Credit
© SNH , licensed under the Open Government Licence Open Government Licence
OpenStreetMap® is open data, licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) by the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF).You are free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt our data, as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or build upon our data, you may distribute the result only under the same licence.
Crown Copyright, courtesy of Forest Research, licensed under Open Government Licence terms. Contains OS data © Crown copyright [and database right] 2023.
Intermap Technologies (2002): NEXTMap British Digital Terrain Model Dataset Produced by Intermap
Any maps produced using this data should contain the following Forestry Commission acknowledgement: "Contains, or is based on, information supplied by the Forestry Commission. © Crown copyright and database right 2021 Ordnance Survey [100021242]".
- Maintenance and update frequency
- Not planned
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
Land cover
Habitats and biotopes
- Keywords
Downloadable Data
- Limitations on Public Access
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
© SNH , licensed under the Open Government Licence Open Government Licence
OpenStreetMap® is open data, licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) by the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF).You are free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt our data, as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or build upon our data, you may distribute the result only under the same licence.
Crown Copyright, courtesy of Forest Research, licensed under Open Government Licence terms. Contains OS data © Crown copyright [and database right] 2023.
Intermap Technologies (2002): NEXTMap British Digital Terrain Model Dataset Produced by Intermap
Any maps produced using this data should contain the following Forestry Commission acknowledgement: "Contains, or is based on, information supplied by the Forestry Commission. © Crown copyright and database right 2021 Ordnance Survey [100021242]".
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
© SNH , licensed under the Open Government Licence Open Government Licence
OpenStreetMap® is open data, licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) by the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF).You are free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt our data, as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or build upon our data, you may distribute the result only under the same licence.
Crown Copyright, courtesy of Forest Research, licensed under Open Government Licence terms. Contains OS data © Crown copyright [and database right] 2023.
Intermap Technologies (2002): NEXTMap British Digital Terrain Model Dataset Produced by Intermap
Any maps produced using this data should contain the following Forestry Commission acknowledgement: "Contains, or is based on, information supplied by the Forestry Commission. © Crown copyright and database right 2021 Ordnance Survey [100021242]".
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Topic category
- Biota
- Environment
Temporal reference
Temporal extent
Temporal extent
Distribution Information
Data format
- Data format
Name Version ESRI Shapefile
ESRI File Geodatabase
Transfer options
- Resource Locator
Data quality info
- Quality Scope
- Dataset
- Conformity
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services
- Explanation
Dataset not assessed.
- Degree
- true
- Statement
Riparian woodland in Scotland identified using a combination of existing open datasets. Search area is 20m either side of water courses. Includes coniferous and broadleaved woodland, native and non-native.
Search area created by buffering combined river dataset by 20m.
Woodland dataset created by clipping input woodland datasets to buffered area and merging output. Minimum patch size 2000m2.
Woodland datasets include Native Woodland Survey of Scotland, Smallwoods dataset from Forest Research, National Forest Inventory. Additional areas are included where these had been highlighted using height data and manually checked in aerial imagery.
Underlying water courses are OS open rivers, Vector Map District , SEPA open rivers, Open Street Map water courses. All are line datasets apart from Vector Map District which is a polygon dataset. Therefore the width of wider rivers has been taken into account (i.e. those that have been included in the VMD dataset).
Additional Details:
NFI (national forest inventory) : Categories included were : IFT_IOA = Assumed woodland, Broadleaved, Coppice, Conifer, Mixed mainly broadleaved, Mixed mainly conifer, Young trees.
Smallwoods dataset : Cloud/Shadow and felled categories are not included.
Native woodland survey of Scotland (split into two sources based on the ‘Type’ field. This field has 4 values : Native woodland, Nearly-native woodland, PAWS, and Open land habitat. Open land habitat was excluded. PAWS is included as a category (NWSS_PAWS), Native woodland and Nearly-native woodland were combined (NWSS_native_nearly_native)
Additional areas of woodland were included where these were identified of being above 2.5m and a manual check against aerial imagery suggested these were woodland. Nextmap height dataset was used. Areas included where at least 20% canopy cover (in line with NWSS) according to getmapping aerial imagery (most recent available in 2023, should be maximum 4 years old).
The source of the woodland data is in the following fields, Nextmap (Nextmap = Nextmap), Smallwood (Smallwood = Smallwood), NWSS_PAWS (NWSS_PAWS=NWSS_PAWS), NWSS_native_nearly_native(NWSS_native_nearly_natve = NWSS_native_nearly_natve ), NF__2020 (NF__2020 = NFI). Associated attributes are to the left of the source fields. Note if multiple sources, information is retained from all sources.
Nextmap : source field, null if not derived from height data
IFT: related to Smallwood: C Conifer Coniferous woodland often occurs as large plantations with trees in
regular rows and the stand edges may be regular and sharply
defined. Some broadleaved trees may also be present but greater
than 80% of the area will consist of conifers.
B Broadleaved The canopy of broadleaved woodland is generally more uneven
than that of coniferous woodland being made up of rounded crowns
but with variations according to species, age, height, and season.
Boundaries with adjacent internal polygons are generally less
clearly defined than with conifers and naturally occurring stands
may grade into adjacent ones with no sharp division. Some
coniferous trees may be present but greater than 80% of the area
will consist of broadleaved trees.
Mc Mixed Predominantly Conifer Mixed woodland exhibits intermediate characteristics between
Conifer and Broadleaved woodland. There can be several types of mixed woodland. A plantation of alternate rows of conifer and broadleaves may produce a ‘striped’ appearance. You may see conifer and broadleaves planted in blocks, and there may be general intersperse woodland. The proportion of the Conifer will be more than 50% of the area and less than 80%.
Mb Mixed Predominantly Broadleaved Mixed woodland exhibits intermediate characteristics between Conifer and Broadleaved woodland. There can be several types of mixed woodland. A plantation of alternate rows of conifer and broadleaves may produce a ‘striped’ appearance. You may see conifer and broadleaves planted in blocks, and there may be general intersperse woodland. The proportion of the Broadleaves will be more than 50% of the area and less than 80%.
O Coppice The most important characteristic of coppice areas on aerial photographs is the very even, smooth appearance. The coppice area may be made up of a patchwork of different ages (heights) but all show this very even character. Areas recently cut may appear to have a very clear floor with little felling debris. Coppice is always of broadleaved trees.
P Coppice with Standards
Some areas of coppice also include larger broadleaved trees set in the coppice matrix. These broadleaved trees, often oak, are known as standards and show very clearly over the even coppice as large rounded crowns. The distribution of the standards may also be fairly scattered with approximately 25 per ha.
S Shrub Land This category is intended to include areas that may possibly be woodland, where the growth is close to the ground and shows a rough character but no clear differentiation between Conifer and Broadleaved can yet be made. Areas being colonised by woody species may fall into this category. The cover will be at least 20%.
N Young Trees Areas where planting is clearly visible but the trees cannot yet be allocated between Conifer and Broadleaved due to their immaturity. These areas can be on either land new to woodland or where a felled crop has been replaced.
G Ground Prepared forNew Planting
Very difficult to differentiate from agriculture, but may show plough furrows, spaced earth mounds or weed killed patches or strips as part of a new woodland regime. Likely to be part of an approved grant scheme held on G&L databases.
LASTUPDATE : related to Smallwood
Smallwood source field, null if not from Smallwood.
PAWS_SURVY : related to NWSS_PAWS data,
TYPE related to NWSS_PAWS data,
CANOPY_PCT related to NWSS_PAWS data,
NATIVE_PCT related to NWSS_PAWS data,
DOM_HABITA related to NWSS_PAWS data,
DOM_HB_PCT related to NWSS_PAWS data,
SEMINT_PCT related to NWSS_PAWS data,
STRUCT_NUM related to NWSS_PAWS data,
MATURITY related to NWSS_PAWS data,
DOM_STRUCT related to NWSS_PAWS data,
HERBIVORE related to NWSS_PAWS data,
ER_NAT_PCT related to NWSS_PAWS data,
OTHR_TRAIT related to NWSS_PAWS data,
INVASV_PCT related to NWSS_PAWS data,
NWSS_PAWS source , null if not from NWSS PAWS survey
PAWS_SURVY_1 related to NWSS_native_nearly_native data,
TYPE_1 related to NWSS_native_nearly_native data,
CANOPY_PCT_1 related to NWSS_native_nearly_native data,
NATIVE_PCT_1 related to NWSS_native_nearly_native data,
DOM_HABITA_1 related to NWSS_native_nearly_native data,
DOM_HB_PCT_1 related to NWSS_native_nearly_native data,
SEMINT_PCT_1 related to NWSS_native_nearly_native data,
STRUCT_NUM_1 related to NWSS_native_nearly_native data,
MATURITY_1 related to NWSS_native_nearly_native data,
DOM_STRUCT_1 related to NWSS_native_nearly_native data,
HERBIVORE_1 related to NWSS_native_nearly_native data,
ER_NAT_PCT_1 related to NWSS_native_nearly_native data,
OTHR_TRAIT_1 related to NWSS_native_nearly_native data,
INVASV_PCT_1 related to NWSS_native_nearly_native data,
NWSS_native_nearly_native source of data, null if not from NWSS nearly native/ native
CATEGORY related to NFI 2020 data
IFT_IOA related to NFI 2020 data,
NFI_2020 source of data, null if not from NFI Scotland 2020
Source of water body datasets:
SEPA river :,
Open streetmap Source:
Downloaded: 16-09-2022, projected into BNG using ArcPro, OSTN15 transformation
OS vectormap District :
OS open rivers :
Source of woodland datasets:
NWSS : Survey carried out 2006-2013.
Smallwoods: obtained directly from Forest Research. Date of documentation: 2006. Some date information include in attributes within the dataset.
NFI woodland Scotland 2020: The National Forest Inventory (NFI) woodland map covers all forest and woodland area over 0.5 hectare with a minimum of 20% canopy cover, or the potential to achieve it, and a minimum width of 20 metres Available from Dataset updated on an annual basis.
Additional areas are included where these had been highlighted using height data (Nextmap) and manually checked in aerial imagery.
Known inaccuracies: there may have been alterations to woodland since the datasets were constructed, openstreetmap is constructed by volunteer contributors and there may be inaccuracies, width of river not taken into account for all water bodies, location of water bodies may have altered since datasets constructed.
- File identifier
- ac10398e-a9ec-427f-bd9f-116582e95c0d XML
- Metadata Language
- English
- Character set
- UTF8
- Resource type
- Dataset
- Hierarchy level name
- Metadata Date
- 2023-07-20T13:35:49
- Metadata standard name
- Metadata standard version
Point of contact
- Individual name
Geographic Information Group
- Organisation name
- Electronic mail address
- supply@nature.sco
- Role
- Point of contact