Scotland's wildness - remoteness
One of four component layer of the Scottish map of relative wildness. This layer shows remoteness from the public road, rail and ferry network. The dataset is on a scale of 1-256 indicating relative levels of remoteness. Consequently the data is best viewed at a national or regional scale. The methodology is adapted from the 2008 Wildness Study in the Cairngorms National Park.
Remoteness is taken as the relative time taken to walk from the nearest public road, railway station or ferry landing (being the point of mechanised access), taking account of distance, relative slope, ground cover and barrier features such as open water and very steep ground.
Identification info
- Metadata Language
- English
- Character set
- UTF8
- Dataset Reference Date (Revision)
- 2014-06-23
- Identifier
- Presentation form
- Digital map
- Maintenance and update frequency
- Not planned
- Keywords
Countryside conservation
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
- Limitations on Public Access
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
Available under an OS Open Data licence. You must always use the following attribution statement to acknowledge the source of the information: Copyright NatureScot Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right (year)
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
no limitation
- Spatial representation type
- Grid
- Distance
- 25 urn:ogc:def:uom:EPSG::9001
- Topic category
- Environment
- Extent
ISO 3166 2006-07-11
Temporal reference
Temporal extent
- Begin
- 2010
- End
- 2012
Temporal extent
- Reference system identifier
- urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::27700
Distribution Information
Data format
- Data format
Name Version GeoTIFF
Transfer options
- Resource Locator
Protocol Resource Locator Name OGC:WCS-1.1.0-http-get-capabilities landscape:wildness_rem
OGC:WMS-1.3.0-http-get-capabilities wildness_rem
WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download GeoTIFF (EPSG:27700)
Data quality info
- Quality Scope
- Dataset
- Statement
Data sources:
OS MasterMap ITN for source road data: 2014
OS MasterMap Topography for river, track, footbridge and ford data: 2014
Land Cover Map 2007 for vegetation data: 2005-2007
NextMap DTM generalised to 25m for slope data: 2002
Ferry routes from OS raster mapping.
The dataset is at 25m resolution. The methodology applies Naismiths's Rule incorporating Langmuir's corrections to calculate travel time. Barriers to travel are taken to be slopes greater than 45 degrees and open water. Further time-delays are added for bogs, wetlands, dwarf shrub heath, coastal habitats and forest. Mapped tracks and foot bridges allow for faster travel. Remoteness is calculated using the PathDistance function in ArcGIS to estimate walking speeds based on relative horizontal and vertical moving angles across the terrain surface together with appropriate cost or weight factors incurred by crossing different land cover types and the effects of barrier features The accuracy of the remoteness dataset is dependent upon the completeness, spatial accuracy and date of all the above sources. For more detailed information visit
- File identifier
- 7220922e-5a57-450d-b8ff-6ee990d38b4f XML
- Metadata Language
- English
- Resource type
- Dataset
- Metadata Date
- 2025-01-06T09:23:17.778Z
- Metadata standard name
- Metadata standard version
Point of contact
- Individual name
Data Supply
- Organisation name
- Position name
Geographic Information Group
- Delivery point
Great Glen House
- City
- Postal code
- Country
United Kingdom
- Electronic mail address
- supply@nature.sco
- Role
- Point of contact