ROS - Cadastral Parcels - DATASET
INSPIRE Cadastral Parcels is a dataset maintained and produced by the Registers of Scotland to comply with the INSPIRE Directive. It is a sub-set of the Cadastral Map and contains the location of ownership polygons at ground level in Scotland. The polygons contained within the dataset are shapes that show the position and indicative extent of ownership of the earth’s surface for each registered property. Each cadastral parcel has a unique identifier called the inspire id that relates to a registered title on Scotland’s Land Register. The extent of rights and land contained within a title registered in the land register cannot be established from the cadastral parcel. For more detailed information on land and property data in Scotland you can search free at
- Alternate title
Registers of Scotland Title Seed Points
- Date ()
- 2024-11-25
- Identifier
- Maintenance and update frequency
- quarterly
- Update scope
- attribute
- Keywords
cadastral parcels
Land Register
land ownership
Registers of Scotland
- GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0 ()
Cadastral parcels
- Use constraints
- Link to license terms:
- Use constraints
- The following copyright statements should be used on any product or report created from the dataset. © Crown copyright. Reproduced with the permission of Registers of Scotland. Contains OS data. © Crown copyright and database right (year).
- Other constraints
No limitations on public access
- Denominator
- 1250
- Denominator
- 2500
- Denominator
- 10000
- Metadata language
- eng (en)
- Topic category
- Planning cadastre
- Begin date
- 1981-04-06
- End date
- 2017-11-20
- Reference system identifier
/OSGB 1936 / British National Grid (EPSG:27700)
- Distribution format
ESRI file geodatabase feature class
) -
ESRI shapefile
)- Specification
PUID: x-fmt/235
- OnLine resource
ROS Inspire Download Service
)Host site for Cadastral parcel download service
- Name
- dvd
- Scope
- dataset
Conformance result
- Date ()
- 2010-04-26
- Explanation
Selection Criteria
Cadastral Parcels- It contains the locations of ownership polygons at ground level in Scotland and is a sub-set of the Cadastral Map
Cadastral Zoning, Boundaries and Basic Property Units do not exist in Scotland.
Geographic Coverage
Cadastral Gaps- All land and property can be registered, however Scotland currently operates two land registers. Only property registered in the Land Register is available in the cadastral parcels dataset.
Cadastral Overlaps- Are a valid part of Scotland’s current data model. These have been removed where possible (e.g. flatted property, different legal tenements).
Availability of data- It contains the locations of ownership polygons at ground level in Scotland and is a sub-set of the Cadastral Map
Temporal aspects
Historic data- Current view of registered titles in the Land Register
Lifecycle rules- Individual Parcel- represents the indicative ownership at earth’s surface. Parcels are regenerated at each update.
Topological gaps- No topological gaps
Topological overlaps- No topological overlaps (there should be no duplicated polygons within the dataset)
Edge matching- Not applicable
Positional accuracy:- Cadastral Parcel extents are captured relative to Ordnance Survey large scale mapping (LandLine / MasterMap). The OS large scale mapping is scaled at 1:1,250 in urban areas, 1:2,500 in semi-rural and 1:10,000 in rural locations.
Rate of missing items:- 32% Missing items where ownership at ground level cannot be established or where no ownership polygons can be identified from the title.
- Pass
- Statement
INSPIRE Cadastral Parcels is a dataset maintained and produced by the Registers of Scotland to comply with the INSPIRE Directive. It is a sub-set of the Cadastral Map and contains the location of ownership polygons at ground level in Scotland. The polygons contained within the dataset are shapes that show the position and indicative extent of ownership of the earth’s surface for each registered property. Each cadastral parcel has a unique identifier called the inspire id that relates to a registered title on Scotland’s Land Register. The extent of rights and land contained within a title registered in the land register cannot be established from the cadastral parcel. For more detailed information on land and property data in Scotland you can search free at
- Metadata language
- eng (en)
- Resource Type
- dataset
- Date stamp
- 2024-11-28
- Metadata standard name
- Metadata standard version
Registers of Scotland
-GIS Manager
Meadowbank House, 153 London Road
,EH8 7AU
,United Kingdom