Woodland Grant Scheme 2
The Woodland Grant Scheme (WGS) provided incentives for people to create and manage woodlands on sites all over Great Britain. The Forestry Commission (now Scottish Forestry) paid grants for establishing and looking after woodlands and forests.
To qualify for grant the applicant had to meet the standards of environmental protection and practice set out in the Forestry Commission’s guidelines at that time.
WGS2 operated between June 1991 and September 1994. It was replaced by WGS3
Updates to scheme boundaries and grant aided areas were incorporated into the dataset on a regular basis until the end of 2012. No further changes will be made after this time.
- Alternate title
- Date ()
- 1997-09-01
- Date ()
- 2012-05-04
- Identifier
- Presentation form
- mapDigital
Scottish Forestry
(Head of Geo-Information Services
)Saughton House, Broomhouse Drive
,City of Edinburgh
,EH11 3XD
,United Kingdom
Scottish Forestry
-Operational Delivery
(Head of Operational Delivery
)Saughton House, Broomhouse Drive
,City of Edinburgh
,EH11 3XD
,United Kingdom
- Maintenance and update frequency
- notPlanned
- Keywords
Forest Management
Grant Schemes
- GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0 ()
Land use
- Access constraints
- otherRestrictions
- Other constraints
No limitations on public access
- Use constraints
Please ensure that the following acknowledgement is displayed on any hard copy: Reproduced by Permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. © Crown copyright and
database right [year]. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100043970.
- Use constraints
- Open Government Licence
- Spatial representation type
- vector
- Denominator
- 10000
- Metadata language
- eng (en)
- Topic category
- Farming
- Biota
- Economy
- Environment
- Geographic identifier
- Date ()
- 2007-12-13
- Reference system identifier
/OSGB 1936 / British National Grid (EPSG:27700)
- Distribution format
ESRI Shapefile
) -
- OnLine resource
Scottish Forestry Open Data
)Data download site
- OnLine resource
- Scope
- dataset
- Statement
The spatial element of this dataset was digitised by Scottish Forestry's Geo-Information Services using both Laserscan's LAMPS and ESRI's ArcView software. The textual element was extracted from the WGS Oracle database using Business Objects and associated with the polygon data.
Information was mapped following final approval stage from contract maps supplied by the applicants (normally based on 1:2500 or 1:10,000 OS maps).
Spatial data was digitised against OS raster backdrops using 1:25,000 scale between 1997 and 2000, and 1:10,000 scale between 2000 and 2004.
Updates to scheme boundaries and grant aided areas were incorporated into the dataset on a regular basis until the end of 2012. No further changes will be made after this time.
Contents of the dataset:
The dataset identifies areas approved by grant type within each WGS scheme boundary. The list below provides a summary of the grant types captured:
The boundary of the area(s) included within the scheme (contract).
Areas within the contract where new planting has been approved under NP, NB, NS, NC, NK, NX and/or NY.
Areas within the contract where new natural regeneration has been approved under NN, NL and/or NZ.
Areas within the contract where replanting, restocking by natural regeneration or management has been approved under RP, RN, RC RG,RQ, EN, MG and/or SM.
Areas within the contract approved for Community Woodland Contribution. CWC is available to encourage the creation of new woodlands near towns and cities which can be used for informal recreation.
The following lists the abbreviations used above:
NP New planting
NB New planting with better land supplement
NS New planting accepted into the 1988 set-aside scheme
NC New planting of coppice
NK New planting of coppice with better land supplement
NQ New planting short rotation coppice
NU New planting short rotation coppice with better land supplement
NN New planting by natural regeneration
NL New planting by natural regeneration with better land supp
NZ New planting by natural regeneration with set-aside
RP Restocking by replanting
RC Restocking with coppice (planting not regrowth)
RQ Restocking with short rotation coppice (planting not regrowth)
RN Restocking by natural regeneration
EN Restocking by existing natural regeneration
MG Management grant
SM Special management grant
Dataset Attributes:
FEATDESC Description of identified feature
PROPNO Property number
PLANNO Plan number
PROPNAME Property name
PLAN_TYPE Type of plan (Management, Establishment, Both)
PROP_TYPE Property type (Farm, Recreation, etc)
OWNER_TYPE Owner type (Business, Personal Occupier, etc)
GRID_REF National grid reference (NS987435)
LOCAL_AUTH Council (eg. Highland Council)
CWSPREM Is the scheme eligible for CWS (Y/N)
FWPSPREM Is the scheme eligible for FWPS (Y/N)
CNT_START Date the contract started
CNT_END Date the contract ends
CONS_NAME Conservancy name
CON_AREA Total conifer planting under work type (ha)
BL_AREA Total broadleaf planting under work type (ha)
PCEN_CON Percentage conifer planting under work type
PCEN_BL Percentage broadleaf planting under work type
CON_UNPD Conifer area still to receive 1st Inst (ha)
BL_UNPD Broadleaf area still to receive 1st Inst (ha)
PC_C_UNPD Percentage conifer still to receive 1st Inst
PC_BL_UNPD Percentage broadleaf still to receive 1st Inst
TOT_AREA Total area of work type within scheme
- Metadata language
- eng (en)
- Resource Type
- dataset
- Date stamp
- 2023-06-22
- Metadata standard name
- Metadata standard version
Scottish Forestry
(Head of Geo-Information Services
)Saughton House, Broomhouse Drive
,City of Edinburgh
,EH11 3XD
,United Kingdom